31 October 2006

What the Hell Is Wrong With Me?

I ate a salad for lunch today that had these awesome little mozzarella cheese balls in it and they are so yummy and good. Except for the fact that EVERY TIME I eat fresh mozzarella, I head straight for the john!! I can't stop though. Mozzarella, especially fresh, is so tempting, so delicious, so fantabulous. Same with sweets. I spent thousands of dollars on my teeth a few years ago to get repaired from all the candy and sweets I eat, so that alone would make me stop, right? Not a chance. Not only does the sugar rot my teeth, but it also hurts my stomach in pretty large doses. And I do it to myslf all the time!! I swear, ice cream? I might as well unwrap a Haagen Daaz, take a nice big whiff and dump it straight into the toilet. 'Cause that's where it will be in exactly twenty minutes. Yes, I even know the exact time for my stomach to process it and then punish me for about an hour...and my stomach is MERCILESS!! However, I don't know which one is more evil: my brain for wanting to eat sweets knowing it will hurt me or my stomach which not only has to tell me that the sweets are no good, but has to kick my ass about it. Why oh WHY do I torture myself? One day my body is going to do something very bad to my brain and then my brain is going to fuck it all up. Bad brain!! You bad, bad brain!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lani ... Kelly here ... Have you ever been checked out for lactose intolerance? From your reactions to the cheese and ice cream, it sounds like it could be a distinct possibility. I've heard that eating yogurt can help because of the active ingredients in it. It's also recommended that you eat milk products with other foods and in small doses. But you might want to check in with your doctor.

The Jaded NYer said...

OMG- if I were lactose intolerant I would die! Life without milk, cheese or ice cream is just not worth living...

Anonymous said...

Ditto. I am slightly intolerant. I can eat dairy in small amounts ... but a good sized bowl of ice cream, well ... let's just say it can cause issues. Ha ha!

Talking to your doctor is the way to go ... you wouldn't want to self-diagnose. But there are even pills you can take that will help with the digestion of milk products.

There is hope! Don't throw away that dairy yet.