27 October 2006

Thank God It's Friday...Sort Of

I feel so weird. I have two posts up now in the same week that express disparaging anger that I otherwise haven't experienced in a long time. I guess when it rains it pours. But at least I get to dress in costume tonight and get drunk at the open bar at the office Halloween party. And I just got the sword I needed for my costume tonight. It's kind of a dope reproduction of a Tibetan type of sword. It's pretty light so I can play around with it. I can pretend to run it through the carcass of the car thief or behead the landlord. Maybe I'll hang some pictures of key political Congress members and chop them up!! The pictures I mean, really. Anyway, I'm going to be completely broke, being that I have to fix the window the car thief broke, and then pay some bills and stuff. God, when will a paycheck ever be MINE?!?! How's that for "Freedom" America? Free to keep your whole paycheck, just for you!! How about NOT having the premium for my car insurance go up because some motherfucker broke into MY car. I have been giving Geico my money for years now and they can't pay for a fucking WINDOW?!?! So what's the point of the insurance? Someone please explain it to me because I'm obviously taking crazy pills. It seems to me that insurance is the biggest scam going and the government has made it ILLEGAL to drive on the road without insurance. FUCK YOU government people in the pockets of these rich, corrupt asshole giant mega-companies!! (God I'm cranky this week...but it needs to be said.) I mean, am I the only person that sees the parallel between our country today and Atlantis (rich, powerful country that eventually collapsed under the weight of it's own greed), ancient Egypt (ditto), ancient Greece (ditto), ancient Rome (triple ditto), ancient China (ditto) and I think ancient India, but I'd have to look that up. So of course nobody learns from the past, nor do they even probably care to even if they do acknowledge the past!! And that's really the legacy that mankind leaves for the future human beings - GREED. It's ingrained in our genes and we can't fight it. God damnit. When are people going to start saying NO to the evil that the empty promises of money entices with? When are people going to just say no to the ridiculous rules these companies tell us are the only choices we have? Oh my god, and why do we have to put up with the only political candidates that are put forth to us? Why should I have to choose between the lesser of two evils? Why can't I chose to have some OTHER guy put on the ballot? If the only two guys running are both evil then FUCK THEM, let's go out and find someone else. What is so fucking hard about that? We live in a democracy damnit and if the early Revolutionary Americans could kick the shit out of the encroaching British, why can't we, the common people rise up again and kick the shit out of corrupt cocksuckers that lie and tell us we have no other choice? BULLSHIT - this is America damnit!! I have all the choices I want!!

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