18 December 2006

Ode to Our Best Friend

My boyfriends sister's dog just died and she's totally broken up about it. I feel bad for her. I have a little Maltese myself and I love my little dog - I call her Puppy - and I didn't realise the impact she has had on my life until little Winston died. Now I am thinking that if she were to leave me now, I'd probably crack too!! She's always there waiting for me when I open the door when I get home and lord knows I LOVE laying on the couch watching movies because she always perches herself next to me and curls up and sleeps there and we are all lovey and sweet with each other. I love when she gets excited and she jumps up on her hind legs and dances for me, as if she were trained in the circus. And she licks my face all the time (I love that). She has this beautiful white hair-fur that gets tangled in knots ALL THE TIME. She has the most beautiful brown eyes that seem to say anything she needs me to know without speaking any words. And when we go out, she hangs on me like she were my shadow. Normally I think it's kind of bizarre (especially since she is the first dog I've ever had - I'm a cat girl, and have one with Puppy) but now I am used to it and love her for loving me. It's really true what they say - a dog loves you like no person loves you. Theya re loyal to the very end and they are so giving of themselves, so happy to be around you, so cheerful and sweet. I am so happy with my little Pup that she might as well be my own child. Yes, this is an ode to the dog, the sweetest little gift that God and Mother Nature could have given us.

12 December 2006

A Call to Arms

"Something In the Air" lyrics by Thunderclap Newman

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Lock up the streets and houses
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Hand out the arms and ammo
We're going to blast our way through here
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together

I can't help but to have this song running through my head as an anthem for those that feel that we are rapidly devolving into a world bent on destroying itself. In the wake of the conference held in Iran which has "debated" if the Holocaust really happened, I find myself so utterly shocked, so utterly dejected, that the only thing I can think that can happen is for the good folks of this world, regardless of sex, age, religion or political affiliation who are so TIRED of this shit should rise up together and put an END to bullshit like this. An END. I can't even believe that someone lent them the space to hold this meeting, someone cooked food for these scathing racists to eat, made the drinks or printed the invitations. Just exactly what is this world coming to? Because I don't see any kind of humanity or camaraderie between anyone anymore. There is no justice, no freedom, no amity... things that people SAY they are fighting for, but it never seems to happen on any kind of viable scale. We are not moving toward the future, we are ending right back into something reminiscent of the Crusades. Except EVERYONE'S involved now. I mean, even the Vatican denounced this conference. Germany its self said this is bullshit - GERMANY!!! The very people who perpetrated said crime. I feel it's time for those of us who feel that the people who are running our countries are completely out of control need to take back our lives, take back our sanity - we need a global revolution against the real tyranny: political agenda.

07 December 2006

Is There A God For Money?

If so, I need to pray, burn offerings, find a willing sacrifice, start a holy war - SOMETHING in order to get my funds going. Pump 'em up. Bling out my wallet!! AHHHHHH!! I'm broke dammit, I'm BROKE!! And the holidays are coming up. So now we enter the time of year in which you get even more broke. I don't really have credit card debt so I can't say that I'm going deeper into debt - so that's something.... But not much. I mean, I have a job and no debt so why am I still broke? WHY? It's like there is a systematic conspiracy in society to keep the unrich UNRICH. Damn. I don't have to be rich but do I have to starve? WTF?!?! That just means that the money is disproportionately going to the greedy, godless, backstabbing, scheming, lying, hurtful, evil rich. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all rich people are evil, but a good portion of them are. The ones that are CEO's and high level executives. Yeah, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. They'd easily slit their own child's throat if they could make a dollar on it. Hell politicians, lobbyists, corporate lawyers and most plastic surgeons are not out of the realm of malevolent money whores. And I am not trying to hate on rich folks either. I just see how they have enough but want to take it ALL and that's not right. While people in India, Africa, South America and even here in the United States just have nothing!! And those of us that don't have much are also made to feel like we have to give to those less fortunate but what about the fat bastard in the nice suit with the gold watch driving a fancy car? What about him? A fancy watch could help a whole poor family here in the US!! And fat bastards usually have three or four gold watches!! Yeah, they just laugh at us all moving around the few dollars we have between us. And they hoard the bulk of it. God, the audacity of executives who steal pensions from employees - in essence what that says is that they think that everyone is supposed to work for them for free!! Like we were put on this earth to make them mega-rich and we are just pee-on's not worthy of even a decent life after working ourselves to death. The unmitigated GAUL of those fuckers. These are the things I think of this time of year.....

06 December 2006

All the Signs of Pregnancy Except One: A Baby

Taken from the Science Times (New York Times) by ELIZABETH SVOBODA, 5 December 2006

Dr. John Radebaugh still vividly remembers his first professional comeuppance.

In the mid-1960s, Dr. Radebaugh, a young pediatrician, volunteered at a clinic for migrant farmworkers in Rochester, and one evening he got a call that a woman was in labor.

When he arrived at the scene, he found the woman with a melon-size stomach, groaning and writhing in pain.

“From the condition she was in, we thought she was going to deliver right then and there,” he recalled.

Dr. Radebaugh and the clinic workers who came with him decided to forgo a pelvic exam and drive the patient to a hospital emergency room posthaste. As he helped the woman into a wheelchair at the hospital, her water seemed to break, drenching him in clear fluid.

But when he called the hospital the next day to check on the patient’s progress, Dr. Radebaugh got an unexpected answer.

“Oh, she isn’t here,” the attending doctor told him. “She was discharged last night.”

“Last night? How is that possible?” he asked.

“She wasn’t in labor at all; she just had a full bladder. It’s a case of pseudocyesis,” the doctor replied, leaving a chastened Dr. Radebaugh to look up the diagnosis.

Despite Dr. Radebaugh’s embarrassment, his unfamiliarity with the woman’s condition was hardly surprising. Pseudocyesis, or false pregnancy, is rare, occurring at a rate of 1 to 6 for every 22,000 births. Though scientists are still largely baffled about what causes it in humans, recent case studies and studies of similar conditions in animals are beginning to provide insight, exploring the role of hormones and psychology.

Those who suffer from the disorder present a constellation of symptoms that mystify even seasoned practitioners. Not only do they fervently believe they are pregnant, but they also have bona fide symptoms to back up their claims, like cessation of menstruation, abdominal enlargement, nausea and vomiting, breast enlargement and food cravings.

A few patients with pseudocyesis even test positive on pregnancy tests, said Dr. Paul Paulman, a family practitioner at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

“Every sign and symptom of pregnancy has been recorded in these patients except for three: You don’t hear heart tones from the fetus, you don’t see the fetus on ultrasound, and you don’t get a delivery,” Dr. Paulman said.

Though the disorder is unusual, cases of false pregnancy have been reported in human societies since ancient times, providing evidence that the phenomenon is not bound by time or culture. In 300 B.C., Hippocrates described 12 women who “believed they were pregnant,” and Mary Tudor, the English queen, is widely believed to have suffered from pseudocyesis. (Some commentators say the violent acts that gave her the nickname Bloody Mary were reactions to finding out she was not carrying an heir after all.)

For hundreds of years, pseudocyesis has largely been the domain of psychiatrists, spawning many psychological theories about the origins of the condition. According to Sigmund Freud’s memoirs, his most famous patient, “Anna O,” believed she was pregnant with the child of her previous psychoanalyst, Josef Breuer. Freud attributed this development to what he called transference, or the strong attachment patients form with their psychoanalysts — a concept that would later form the cornerstone of Freudian theory.

Other psychiatrists have suggested that pseudocyesis occurs in patients who desperately want to become pregnant — or who have a strong desire to be involved in a family member’s pregnancy experience. In a recent issue of the journal Psychosomatics, Dr. Biju Basil, a psychiatrist at Drexel University, reported a case of a woman who went through false delivery at the same time her son’s girlfriend was giving birth.

“She started having labor pains. She had been pregnant before, and she said they felt exactly the same,” Dr. Basil said. “She even gave a ‘final push’ the way she had when she delivered her own children.”

Dr. Basil speculated that the woman’s condition arose from a deep-rooted desire to participate more fully in the birth of her first grandchild.

“Since she was not very appreciative of her son’s girlfriend, she was never welcome in their house,” he said. “She wanted to play a more active part in this new life that was coming into the world.”

Still, for all the theories about false pregnancy’s origins in the subconscious, biological studies suggest it may be in part hormonally mediated as well. Because of the small number of people who have the disorder, no large-scale studies have been conducted to establish a typical hormonal profile of pseudocyesis patients. But case studies at the University of Michigan and elsewhere indicate that many patients have elevated levels of hormones like estrogen and prolactin — compounds that can cause physical symptoms like abdominal swelling and milk excretion, as well as psychological ones like wanting to bond with a baby.

This raises the possibility that pseudocyesis is the result of a delicate mind-body feedback loop: an initial emotional state induces abnormal hormone secretion, which in turn has its own physical and psychological effects. According to Dr. Mary Erskine, a biologist at Boston University who studies the neurology of reproductive systems, anxiety may be one emotional state that helps set this feedback loop in motion.

“Stress can really influence the regularity of an ovarian cycle,” Dr. Erskine said.

In dogs — a species with much higher rates of false pregnancy than humans — the disorder has been traced to high levels of certain reproductive hormones, in particular prolactin. Unlike humans, dogs have a long late phase of their ovarian cycle during which an ovarian structure called the corpus luteum produces large amounts of progesterone.

If the dog does not become pregnant, the corpus luteum wears out slowly, over a period of up to 70 days. The consequent drop in progesterone levels causes high levels of prolactin secretion, giving rise to milk production, an enlarged abdomen and a host of misdirected mothering behaviors.

“We get dogs that start guarding their stuffed animals and acting like they’re their babies,” said Dr. Chris Cauble, a veterinarian in Glendale, Calif., who regularly treats dogs with pseudocyesis. “It’s amazing how powerful these hormones are and the emotional effects they can have.”

The quickest way to treat false pregnancy in dogs, he added, is to give them shots of another hormone like testosterone, which quickly brings prolactin levels back into the normal range and stops the associated symptoms.

Because study subjects are in such short supply, Dr. Paulman is not optimistic that human pseudocyesis will ever be completely scientifically understood. Still, he hopes that continued study of individual cases will produce a clearer portrait of how the brain can send the endocrine glands into such a frenzy that a woman who is not pregnant can appear to be in screaming labor.

“The pituitary gland is located right at the base of the brain, and that’s where all the hormones come from” in pregnancy, he said. “This is one of the classic examples in medicine of how the mind affects the rest of the body.”

05 December 2006

Draining the Gene Pool

By Lisa M. Hamilton, from The Nation, 4 December 2006

In the summer of 2000, an ill wind blew onto David Vetter's 280-acre farm in Marquette, Nebraska. The farm had been organic since the 1950s, and Vetter had been breeding his own corn seed in the field using traditional techniques. The idea was to protect his independence as he watched the seed industry rapidly consolidating into the hands of Monsanto and a few other "gene giants." Then, in 2000, his seed tested positive for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). "They killed us," he says. "Ten years of work was gone just like that."

In 2005 genetically engineered (GE) seed was planted on 52 percent of US corn acreage. However, thanks to wind-borne pollen and other contamination, the agricultural community now commonly accepts that no American corn is 100 percent free of GE material--not even if it's certified organic.

The good news is that plant breeders might have a solution. It lies in a group of naturally occurring corn genes called GaS, which is bred into corn varieties using standard hybridization. With GaS, a plant will reject all pollen that doesn't also have those genes. It could be a miraculous biological fence to keep out those privately owned GE genes. There's just one hitch: It, too, is now privately owned.

As of April 2005, Hoegemeyer Hybrids, of Hooper, Nebraska, holds a patent for the use of GaS in hybrids and inbred lines of yellow dent corn--the kind that covers one-quarter of American farmland and anchors our entire agricultural economy. The company's GaS seed, dubbed PuraMaize, is slated for US release in 2008 and has patents pending around the world.

Such patents have lately become a frustrating fact of life in the plant-breeding community, but what really stings about this one is that it probably shouldn't have been issued. Researchers have known and written about GaS since the 1940s. It has been used in white and yellow corns, and employed in countless popcorn varieties to protect them from crossing with nearby field and sweet corns--to protect their "pop." As one researcher put it, "I'd love to hear someone explain how Hoegemeyer's use qualifies as new."

Among those left frustrated is Margaret Smith, a professor and plant breeder at Cornell University. In 2002 Smith began breeding GaS into corn varieties in response to pleas from local organic growers for protection against pollen drift. As a public breeder, Smith's job is to find out what farmers need, and try to provide it. But because of the patent, anyone who wants to use her GaS variety will need to comply with whatever licensing fees and royalties Hoegemeyer Hybrids requires.

As a result, smaller farmers like Vetter may find that PuraMaize is out of their reach. The university researchers and seed companies that smaller farmers rely on often have neither the staff to negotiate licensing agreements nor the money to pay them. The companies with the means to use the technology would tack the added costs onto the price of the seed, and possibly require a large minimum purchase, both of which could make it too expensive for Vetter. Or companies could simply decide that, for any number of reasons, producing seed that works for Vetter's region is not profitable enough--so Vetter wouldn't even be given the chance to buy it.

The sad thing is that Hoegemeyer Hybrids is, in some ways, also one of the "little guys." It was founded in 1937 and has always been a family-owned business. After a recent spate of corporate acquisitions, it is also the last remaining small seed company in Nebraska. Indeed, Hoegemeyer sought the patent on GaS partly as a strategic move to preserve its independence. "We're not looking to make a zillion dollars off of this or to exclude other people from the marketplace," chief technology officer Tom Hoegemeyer said. "We just want to be able to participate in the industry for the long term."

Despite good intentions, in this age of consolidation it's likely that Hoegemeyer Hybrids and its patent will be bought out too. The company already has a formal partnership with Syngenta, the very corporation that acquired Hoegemeyer's seed-company neighbors. This Swiss company is the world's largest agrichemical manufacturer and one of the top four seed producers. Through the partnership with Hoegemeyer, Syngenta had a hand in developing PuraMaize, and in January William Olson, a former sales development manager with Syngenta, came on as PuraMaize development manager. Some think it's only a matter of time before the absorption is complete.

In such a gene giant's hands, the GaS patent could be applied the same way that patents on GMOs are now. To use GE seed, farmers sign contracts that prohibit seed-saving and allow the corporation to monitor the crops in farmers' fields for violations indefinitely, even if the farmer stops buying the seed. (The legal departments that enforce this are, of course, amply funded and staffed.) Given that GaS could be critical for organic growers, some researchers fear that such ownership of the patent would mean even greater corporate control over organics. And that's all if the gene stays in use. Given that pollen drift has spread GMOs like a nefarious Johnny Appleseed, it could be in biotech's interest to shelve the GaS shield.

The exact future of GaS remains to be seen. But the potential consequences point to a deeper problem in twenty-first-century plant breeding, rooted in the patent system. Before 1980 plant breeding was governed by the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA). This law allowed breeders to own the plant varieties they created but kept the raw genetic materials in the public domain. When in Diamond v. Chakrabarty the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to patent genes, the rules changed. If PVPA protection acted like a copyright on a book, the gene patents meant ownership of individual words. In order to write today, one must have the money to buy the words.

It follows that those who end up controlling plant breeding guide their decisions by profitability, not what is best for the farmers or the public they serve. "This system offers ways for people to make money quickly but provides no public good," Vetter says. "So far as I can tell, the only ones that are served are the holders of the patents." Meanwhile, those without the money must try to write solutions using an increasingly limited vocabulary. This is why the GaS patent is such a slap in the face: Farmers and publicly funded breeders such as Smith have been largely shut out of the process by which agriculture's decisions are made. Those tools still in the public domain are crucial to their work; with Hoegemeyer's patent, another one is lost. "We as a society don't seem to have a venue for deciding if this is a good thing," Smith says. "We seem to think that if the market will support it, it must be OK. But I, for one, don't necessarily agree with that."

04 December 2006

It Gives You Wings!!!

So, if you read my previous post about not getting dunk anymore, I have been true to my word and have not overdone it since that promise. However, I have gone back on another promise I had made to myself months and months ago - to give up caffeine. It started out at the behest of a previous employer: he didn't like the fact that I shot down two Red Bulls before my shift and he swore that I looked jittery. I am just naturally hyper, but I digress. So I swore off caffeine not really because of my boss, but to see if I could really do it. In fact, I knew I COULD do it, but how long was more the question. So I remained caffeine free for months. I must note that when I quit the caffeine cold turkey, I got headaches and pretty moody for a little while. But I noticed that I fell asleep faster and stayed asleep with better deep sleep. I was psyched. I hadn't realised just how addicted to caffeine I was and what kind of physical and psychological effects it had on me. But lo, my boyfriend had these little packets of Dunkin' Donuts coffee sitting on the microwave. They were staring at me. I told them to stop, but you know how they don't listen. So I had to do what I could to get them to leave me alone. I made them. Yesterday morning and this morning. Now, as I polished off a large pizza with my beau yesterday, I felt no effects of the caffeine. But this morning, having only a bagel and egg, I had a large cup. And the horses left the gate. My head has been buzzing, I feel like shit and I have this strange compulsion to DO something, but exactly what it is, I don't know. I love how Red Bull has coined the phrase 'It gives you wings!!' and the little animation shows people floating off into the sky with angel wings on their backs, having a jolt of caffeine. Hardly. It's more like wings of a turbine diesel jet engine rocketing you into hyperspace, only to hit the proverbial wall in a couple of hours, and your head feels like you literally have hit a wall. Remember that scene in Total Recall when Arnold and the heroine fall out into the area outside the building where the air was regulated by machines and they couldn't breathe in the vaccuum and their eyes were popping out of their heads? That's a walk in the park compared to how I feel right now. This is like coming full circle for me, in my foray into the dark underworld of caffeine. In fact, my boyfriend has developed an allergy to caffeine because he took large quantities of it in college and he's hyper sensitive to it now. He has a ridiculous high off of it and a severe crash. Believe me, it ain't pretty. Now this leads me to ask how this stuff can be easily consumed in such large quantities? My GOD think of children getting high off of it - and in fact when they do, we just pump them full of more drugs to slow them down, namely Ritalin. Nobody seems to identify the fact that increased hyperactivity in children today just MIGHT be linked to the massive amounts of sugar and caffeine in the foods they eat. Gee, I guess the obesity has nothing to do with the sugar either. And rather than pull the spoonfuls of sugar out of their mouths, we listen to (gasp) medical "authorities" that tell us they have ADD so they sell us a pill to make it all better. But I'm going off on a tangent. My point is that caffeine in large doses (namely the doses companies put in foods and drinks) is deadly, but the people selling it don't want you to know that. Kinda like the tobacco industry. Except with caffeine, you rot in a more subtle way, so it's easy to sell the lie.

Now I have to work on my salt intake.....

01 December 2006

WEEEELLLL It Fiiiiiiinally Happened

You know, having lived in New York city my whole life, I have had to grapple with the presence of crack running rampant through neighborhoods in all five boroughs. I remember in the 80's (as a kid) being able to literally count crack vials on any given street when I was walking to my destination. I would even kind of stop sometimes and wonder, staring at vials, exactly who the person was that emptied that vial. Who was hooked on the stuff? Why did they have to smoke it on the street, couldn't they just go home and sit in their room or go on the roof? How far along into their addiction was this person? Sometimes I would also try to envision the dealer who put the vial together and sold it to the hapless addict. I remember in health education my teacher, Mrs. Skurnick, who would come every Tuesday and preach the evils of cocaine and particularly crack. She scared the bejesus out of me with tales of addiction and drug related health problems. I knew from that time on, that crack was a deadly poison, it was in our neighborhoods and it was sad. But I lived with the notion and got on with my life.

But today, watching the news, I was freaked out all over again when NY1 broke the story of police busting a meth lab here in New York City, in a Manhattan high rise. They then pointed out that lab was connected to another two in Queens, one in Brooklyn and one in the Bronx. I mean, METH!! Until now, the news had reported it as a problem that was rampant in rural and suburban areas of the country, but I was aware that it was spreading at an alarming rate. I know that they need these labs in order to make the drugs, and that the labs themselves were very dangerous in that they produce caustic chemicals and meth producers have been seriously hurt in lab explosions. Oh boy. So there goes my notion that you need a wide open, relatively private space in order to produce meth. It's like reliving the crack epidemic at age 8 all over again. I am saddened and to be honest, scared.