25 October 2006

What an Idiot!!

This is so hilarious, I had to put it here... This is from a website I found called dumbassdaily.com:

Pot-Smoking Student Jumps Out Window to Avoid Police Maybe those videos from the 1970s were right...

Everyone knows that it's fun to mess with your friends when they are smoking the wacky grass in the dorms. I mean, who hasn't pretended to be the police, right? Okay, at least one other person has. At Arizona State a student fell two stories after attempting to escape from his friends pretending to be police officers. What did the they have to hide? Well..smokin' a joint for one. When one of the students roommates knocked on the door pretending to be a police officer, the only logical thing to do is jump out of the window right? Ooo...except that he didn't have a clear shot at the ground and hit a covered entryway and then hit the ground. Don't worry though, he's OK!?!

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