30 October 2006

I've Taken My B Complex, and All Is Good

So I had a bunch of calls to make at work today - was busier than I had been in the past two weeks or so. AND I'm much calmer than I was last week. The shock of the car break-in is over and the landlord got the refrigerator fixed. Not only that, but I took this monster B-100 vitamin last night, saw the Movie Hairspray on AMC (one of my favortie movies ever), and went to a nice high-end salon in Williamsburg here in Brooklyn and got myself some French lotion, shampoo and face moisturizer. That helps to calm stress too. Ok, so I'm getting a little girly right now, so what? Oh yeah, plus my boss is out today. Great right? Not really. She's a nice boss, cool actually. A lot better than a lot of other bosses I've had in the past. God, there were some that I psychically willed to double over in pain. I had one boss once that used to listen in on my phone calls (especially with guys) and would wait for me outside of the bathroom when I went. He was atrociuos. I ended up quitting on the spot one day and throwing the towel in his face...literally. It was when I worked in a bar years ago and I had a towel tucked into the side of my pants which I threw into his face as I told him I quit!! I had another boss who was hyper and weird and really greasy and the really weird thing was that his business partners used to totally cut him up behind his back all day long. It was unnerving and a little bizarre. They used to rip on him so bad that I felt sorry for him, even though he really was as bad as they said he was. And I hated his feet. Ugh!! You ever know someone that could wear any kind of shoes but you could still see their arches and bunyons through the shoes? I couldn't take it. I've also had about three bosses I've slept with. I tell you, it's NEVER a good idea to sleep with your boss (unless they're hot of course, then it's a slightly better idea). However, I'm too old and too taken to be worrying about that anymore. God it sucks getting old sometimes....

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