26 October 2006


Can someone please tell me why Halloween has become the holiday that women have embraced as the one day of the year that they can dress like whores? It used to be so fun: you could be a superhero, a historical figure, and fictional character or animal. Or for those that I tip my hat to, they dress as metaphors, ideas or make something that is just so wonderfully creative, you stop them on the street and have to take a picture. But that ilk is dying. In fact it is a mass extinction. While men will still be somewhat creative or at the very (very) least, dress as a favorite athlete, women just dress like flaming streetwalkers. Now in that realm, some women get very creative in their lusty dress; in fact, I've seen some outfits where I almost let the meow out loud!! But c'mon ladies, let's show the men that we are more than just sexual objects. Why set back the sexual revolution by millenia? What are you accomplishing by bearing all your T&A? That's to be left for intimate moments. You are not titilating men by dressing like a harlot - you are not leaving ANYTHING left to be desired. You're thorwing it all out there and that's not sexy, that's not mysterious. What will you leave men to think about when they go home at night? Use the OTHER part of your brain that you use every single day to survive in this man's world. Don't play up to the sexual stereotypes. Don't give them any more reason to think they are the better sex. Don't give them any more reason to degrade us. Don't cheapen yourselves!! Because if your market yourself as a sexual object, at the end of the day, what do you have? A sore cootch and no SELF worth. We women are so much more than that. The wonderful things we could be are infinite if we set our minds to brilliance instead of booty.


DBKAT said...

Here are some clever ideas from a friend at MSLK Design:


Unknown said...

Yay hookerween.