25 October 2006

Commentary on the Landlord Poem

OK, I'm really a lover not a fighter and how my landlord acts has spawned such murderous rage inside me. My god, landlords in New York seem to think that they are above the law, that we are just objects that pay them money every month and we should be so thankful that we were allowed to live in their properties. BULLSHIT. I'm not trying to hate on all landlords nor am I trying to hate on someone trying to make money. I'm just pissed off at the ones that think they don't have to put much or any money into upkeeping the property. Hello landlords: it's a fucking INVESTMENT!! You have to spend money to make the property profitable. It's these little pissant real estate companies and landlords that piss me off. God, if you DON'T have the money to upkeep the property then DON'T rent it out. And the really sad thing is that the landlord/tenant court system is so corrupt in New York City, mostly siding with the landlords. That's just a reflection of how this whole country is: those with money get away with murder while those without money are the little pussy assholes that do the dirty work for the rich in hopes of getting a dollar here or there. Fuck that!! In fact, anybody who is some rich guys bitch needs to have their asses severely kicked. Hey, that rhymes. That would make a great T-shirt, don't you think?

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