20 November 2006

What the Hell is Wrong with Everyone Else?!?!

Did you hear that the FDA has now approved silicone breast implants? Are they fucking CRAZY? Do they NOT remember what happened when the silicone bags leaked on women in the past? Hello, Jenny Jones, get back on TV and start preachin'. Has it really come down to this? Women are now willing to toxify themselves so some idiot scumbag can ogle her breasts? All the while watching the interview of OJ I'm-a-bigger-jackass-than-Dick-Cheney Simpson, promoting his new book called "If I Did It", or some shit like that. IF, OJ? You should really call it "When I Did It". What does the Brown family have to say? Or have they lost their voices, gone hoarse from all the talking before? What the FUCK has happened to this country? I am almost (and I mean ALMOST) seeing why the conservative Christian movement has a leg to stand on. Goddamn. If only they would let gays live their lives and be pro-choice, I'd actually consider their argument. And then I heard the news today that some dude cracked his head OPEN during a bum rush to get the new PS3, which has so far gotten crappy reviews!! Far be it from me to say that the man deserved to bleed all over the place and get stitches in his head, but in some cosmic way, he almost deserved it. I can't believe that people are willing to camp out for days to get a game system instead of using that time to do something useful or productive. OUR KIDS CAN'T READ and we are a nation of lazy, silicone pumped, shallow, false idolatry worshipping fools. FOOLS!! I'm not religious at all but this same kind of shit was going on when the big flood came.....

Update - I just read on the web both OJ's book and interview are cancelled. But that's only after many of the FOX affiliates told Murdoch (the OTHER sociopath involved in this story) they would not air the interview. Ok, I admit when I'm wrong. Perhaps we are not as ridiculous as I think a lot of the time. There is still some sanity left around here.


Anonymous said...

And you can't say insane without Judith Regan in all of this. She'll sell anyone's soul (hers withered long ago) ... or sleep with them ... to publish a book and make a buck.

lanibear said...

Right you are my dear, right you are....