06 November 2006

What About Mexico?

I was just thinking the other day that we are over in Iraq trying to put democracy in place and get them on their feet in terms of setting up a new government and having elections and all that good stuff. But what about Mexico? Remember our neighbors to the south? The people that are the most closely related to the US with their doing our work and all, raising our children, picking our fruit, remodeling our houses and teaching us Spanish!! And Mexico is in just a bad a position as Iraq politically (or at least I think so), with a corrupt government, gangs running the streets, people fighting, stealing and killing. Why have we forsaken them? What no OIL?!?! Is that it? Part of our culture is the way it is thanks to Mexico. What the hell has Mexico ever done to anyone else?.... but fight us once....and lose. Why can't we go into Mexico and help stabalise their country? Why do we sit here and turn our backs on our wonderful neighbors? I can't even imagine what they must think about us going halfway across the world to spew the garbage that we are fighting terrorism when right next door it is happening on a daily basis, and we act so holy and say we're helping people. What we're helping is GWB and his minions to the middle eastern oil. And fucking GWB's BROTHER is married to a Mexican woman!! That asshole can't send someone down to Mexico to at least ACT like they're trying to help them? I bet if Canada started getting buck wild, the US government would do something about it. And why aren't we putting a fence up between us and Canada anyway? We only want to keep the BROWN people out? This is really a question we need to ask ourselves: "What the HELL are we doing?"


The Jaded NYer said...

Sweetie, now you know if we helped Mexico, they might actually prosper and catch up to us, and then who would pick our strawberries?
...mmmmm, strawberries...

lanibear said...

Then it would be someone else further south...till we ran out of brown people 'below' us....

Unknown said...

As the great Dave Chappelle would say- "mmm mmm bitch"

And the great Trey Parker and Matt Stone would say- "They took our jerbs!"