02 November 2006


I just realised that I wrote that I would like for all people to try to love their fellow human brothers and sisters. And I mean that. I know I have been a little NOT PC about the politicians. Well, I meant all I said about them too!! Fuck them. If they are not genuinely good people, then we must weed out the "evildoers". (Back at ya W.) I have no sympathy nor compassion for greedy, corrupt liars. All good people need to put them on a spaceship and send them to another planet where they can fight each other all day long for whatever it is that would be valuable to them out there. Then the good, peaceable folks can live on earth and get along. Now, I'm not saying I have any answers as to exactly what the guidelines would be for the people who would be shipped off, nor do I think that anyone really could. I think the solution is to start raising each successive generation with love, caring and understanding. Make them feel warm and safe. Support them. Make them not want for basic necessities. Teach them greed is wrong and destructive. Give them access to all the information a thirsty mind could want. Show them that different people can actually live in harmony with one another. Start teaching the children to be the people that we keep SAYING we should be, but aren't actually trying to be. How could anyone look into the big, beautiful eyes of a child and fill their heads with lies and garbage? Or how can someone do anything to harm them? Children are the FUTURE man, and they can be raised right. We have to take the responsibility upon ourselves to make this happen, not just wish it to happen. Why can't people admit when they are wrong? Why do we cheat and lie? What the hell is wrong with us? What happened to Eden? We are so far removed from it, we have forgotten our peaceable ways of the past. The ancient cities of Mexico and South America had no walls!! No borders!! Somewhere along the way we have gotten destructive and hurtful. Selfish and immoral. INHUMANE. For the love of humanity, we HAVE to teach the children NOT to be like us. The only way we will survive as a people is to stop the violence against each other and just fucking accept each other for who we are!! Gay, straight, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Atheist, we all still want love. No one wants to be alone. There are billions of people in the world - how can we all feel so alone?

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