30 November 2006

I Just Need To Close My Eyes For a Second

I have realised the value of a nap the older I get. Right now it's almost five in the afternoon and I can think of nothing but sleep. I have tried drinking coffee, eating sugary candy, a piece of chocolate cake - to no avail!! I just want to crawl under my desk like George Kostanza and sleep. Then I'd wake up and be three times as productive, instead of going home and passing out at 6 only to wake up at 11 and stay up for a few hours and then ruin my life for the next work day. And being that it's fall slash winter, FORGET about my even being able to get up before the last humanly possible second before it's official that I will arrive late to work. It's like I really AM a bear - I want to stay in my house wrapped up in a fur comforter, with wool socks, fleece pj's and even a fleece sleeping cap, be all wrapped up in my bed and barely watch the sun rise and set as I sleep my way back into spring. What is it about getting older that you want to sleep more? Is it a signal that your body is just damn tired and it's like "Fuck it, I'm going to bed."? Or is it with age you are slowly but surely shutting down, more and more frequently until the final dirt nap? Whatever the case may be, I LIKE to sleep and life keeps getting in the way!!


The Jaded NYer said...

Sleep, what's that?

Anonymous said...

I say amen too it all! Though it's hard to imagine getting under any covers when it's December 1st and the weather forecast I read said 72 degrees today. What the hell?!

Lani ... have you ever tried Emergen-C or B12? Vitamin B in general? You can get it all at any vitamin shop and even some pharmacies are now carrying the Emergen-C. Fruit is a huge pick-me-up too ... especially citrus.

lanibear said...

I have been taking vitamin B lately, but my shrink says that i have that seasonal affective disorder - or however you say it. But I could drink a ton of Red Bull and still want to PTFO in the fall!!

Anonymous said...

Has your shrink suggested those special lights? You should be able to just put in Seasonal Affective Disorder in Goodle and find a ton of hits.

You know, now that you mention it, I wonder if Jay has a touch. Doesn't matter what kind of sleep he gets now, he's always tired.

lanibear said...

I was just talking about that today, after reading an article in the Times about seasonal affective disorder. I think my mom has one of those lights she's not using.