01 February 2007

I Did It Again....

I was so good for a while - I swear!! But now I have done it again. I drank too much last night. It was wine...again. I realise now that wine is so easy to drink. It's not like liquor in which when you sip it, it burns a bit and you feel it as you drink then at some point you can stop. With wine its different. It's like grape juice...with benefits. It goes down so easy and you just get happier and happier when you drink. And pair that with not having eaten last night and that is a recipe for me sitting here at my desk still drunk wishing to god that my head would crack open and blogging when I should be working. Damn. Oh great Bacchus, why have you bestowed such a wonderful but ridiculously wicked nectar upon mankind? Why did you let it get into my hands?.....

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