06 February 2007

Tobacco Company Vs. The Drug Dealer

Now, we all know that tobacco is highly addictive, even more so than heroine. And it has been widely publicized that the tobacco companies have been adding MORE tobacco to their cigarettes, not less, even as they have paid out more and more money to smokers who have sued them. I even read in the New York Times that the tobacco industries stocks have gone up and continue to rise (perhaps, in my opinion because the state of our country is so FUCKED UP).

So why is it that the drug dealer on the corner is the one to go to jail for selling addictive drugs and the tobacco companies are not? Like I stated in my earlier post, it is partially because cigarettes cannot be made in your backyard, so these giant companies can make them and make a fortune on it. Cocaine, marijuana, heroine, meth, speed and ecstacy can all be manufactured relatively simply at home. An industry could not regulate it, thus not make billions on it so hey!! let's make them illegal because some fat bastard CAN'T make money on it. So there is the stark hypocracy of the all mighty dollar versus whether or not there really IS a "war on drugs", and the government is waging this war because they really, really care about you. (Insert snickering here.)

"War on drugs". Let's think about that for a second. What that is stating is that any drug that is illegal is being targeted by the law. And the legal drugs?

Alcohol - kills more people every day than probably all the other drugs, legal
Cigarettes - so fucking toxic, like Chris Rock says, it's killing people that don't even smoke!!
Sleeping Pills - addictive, psychologically dependent, legal
Antidepressants - they have convinced us all that we are depressed, so we need to not be depressed and buy this or that pill so we feel better - BULLSHIT
Caffeine - addictive, ruins your stomach, your nervous system, your heart, legal
Pain Killers - also highly addictive, psychologically dependent, legal
Asprin - the most abused drug in the whole country, we are told that it is safe, but it causes ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, even death, people overdose ALL THE TIME, legal

I don't see the difference between cocaine and anything listed above. Nor heroine, nor marijuana.

So where's the war? The war they are fighting is against individual people or small groups cutting into their exclusive "addiction money". And in fact, the war is not really a fight. How can a drug dealer fight the system? We have been taught that he is breaking the law - what law? He is not forcing the drugs on anyone else like the ad campaigns by the medical/pharmaceutical companies, cola companies, cigarette branding/advertising, the USDA. The drug dealer is not subliminally making our children buy his drugs. The drug dealer is not in every store, in every neighborhood, ONLINE on every billboard. The drug dealer doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is - trying to make money. Politics, medicine, religion and the law have all come together to mix into a nice hypocritical stew in which the little man is fucked. The only war that needs to be waged is the war on the lies....

1 comment:

The Jaded NYer said...

to paraphrase Chris Rock- if all those "illegal" drugs were produced here in the U.S. as opposed to the "brown" countries, it'd be TOTALLY legal!!

Racist fuckers!!!