20 February 2007

Hot Tip

I just wanted to share my new recent passion - a question and answer site called Yahoo! Answers. I swear I have been so into that site!! What it is is a site in which you create a profile and then you go answer posted questions by the Y!A community and you can post questions yourself. As you interact with the site, you gain points which as you earn, get you to higher and higher levels within the site in which you get greater access to play around. In the higher levels you can rate questions and answers and participate more frequently. I believe they keep your participation limited in the lower levels because the darn thing is so addictive!! The questions are about everything you can think of - from computing and gaming and downloading to pets to romance to automotive queries. Personally, I tend to gravitate toward the moire personal questions. And the asker of the question can rate who has given the best answer and best answers give you about 10 points. They even link to your email so you can be notified when your questions are answered - and they tend to get answered pretty quickly - and also when you have received a best answer rating. Y!A has made me look forward to logging into my email everyday. Not only is it cool to see how many points you can get, but you also get that warm and fuzzy feeling when someone appreciates the time you pout into answering their questions. And that, my friend, is better than chocolate in my book!!


The Jaded NYer said...

OMG_ I thought I was the only one!! This week alone I was the best answer in TWO DIFFERENT QUESTIONS! It felt so validating...like I could just conquer the world...or my thesis...

Unknown said...

You're totally an internet girl now booger.