12 February 2007

Is Barack Obama Black Enough?

Uhhh....what the hell is that supposed to mean? Really, what the HELL is that trying to convey? What, is there a way that one acts to be "black"? Are there degrees of being black? And if so, why would he need to be MORE black in a racist country against blacks?

Oh I get it, so they figure that Obama will CERTAINLY get the black votes, so now they are trying to turn blacks against him by saying that he's not black enough, playing on black people's views of self identity. I see. So this is what it comes down to now. Absolutely NO trace of political value or affiliation, but rather Obama not being black enough and Hillary being a woman. I guess the Republican machine has tried to knock their political standpoints but know they won't win on that point because the country is sick of Republican bullshit, so they once again attack the candidates by something they cannot help about themselves, nor should it have anything to do with politics.

You know, the only thing that I like about the Republicans is that they give me so much to write about...


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