20 February 2007

Hot Tip

I just wanted to share my new recent passion - a question and answer site called Yahoo! Answers. I swear I have been so into that site!! What it is is a site in which you create a profile and then you go answer posted questions by the Y!A community and you can post questions yourself. As you interact with the site, you gain points which as you earn, get you to higher and higher levels within the site in which you get greater access to play around. In the higher levels you can rate questions and answers and participate more frequently. I believe they keep your participation limited in the lower levels because the darn thing is so addictive!! The questions are about everything you can think of - from computing and gaming and downloading to pets to romance to automotive queries. Personally, I tend to gravitate toward the moire personal questions. And the asker of the question can rate who has given the best answer and best answers give you about 10 points. They even link to your email so you can be notified when your questions are answered - and they tend to get answered pretty quickly - and also when you have received a best answer rating. Y!A has made me look forward to logging into my email everyday. Not only is it cool to see how many points you can get, but you also get that warm and fuzzy feeling when someone appreciates the time you pout into answering their questions. And that, my friend, is better than chocolate in my book!!

16 February 2007

Just A Thought

Today I am cranky. I am in the mood for letting something out...

On the issue of Americans who are adamantly against gay people and gay marriage, let's be real for a second. What exactly is the problem? Because I don't buy the "it's against the bible" garbage because your hypocritical selves are doing so many other things that go against the doctrine of the bible. Nor does your argument that they are destroying society hold any water either. Gays aren't destroying society, WE ALL are destroying society. Perpetual hatred and torment of gays isn't making this a place where everyone is free. Period. If you want to call America free, then goddamnit, let people, let ALL people be free. Freedom isn't about your free choice to discriminate against whomever you choose - and I think people have fundamentally made that mistake here in the U.S. Freedom is free to be who you are, and if you can't deal with other people, then you are FREE TO GO. Now, personally I wouldn't want anyone to leave the country over such a matter as not being able to expand your horizons and opening your mind. It is sad that people are so unwilling to do so, and I know it's because they are told not to - just following some agenda that someone else is telling them. But I digress.

But what strikes me about all this is that I don't think that homophobes have anything substantially wrong with homosexuality other than their OWN shortcomings. Gays are a scapegoate for those that are shitty, insecure, unhappy people who feel they need someone to look down upon and tell themselves when they look in the mirror, "I am a little pissant, judgemental, approval whore but at least I'm not gay!!" And that is what gets them to step out of their doors and face the world. How pathetic homophobes are. They have some kind of defect about themselves they just can't get over so they try to put their hatred on gays rather than themselves. Because when you hate yourself, there is not much to live for.

So why don't you stop hating on gays and try working on yourselves - we'd all be better off for it.

12 February 2007

Is Barack Obama Black Enough?

Uhhh....what the hell is that supposed to mean? Really, what the HELL is that trying to convey? What, is there a way that one acts to be "black"? Are there degrees of being black? And if so, why would he need to be MORE black in a racist country against blacks?

Oh I get it, so they figure that Obama will CERTAINLY get the black votes, so now they are trying to turn blacks against him by saying that he's not black enough, playing on black people's views of self identity. I see. So this is what it comes down to now. Absolutely NO trace of political value or affiliation, but rather Obama not being black enough and Hillary being a woman. I guess the Republican machine has tried to knock their political standpoints but know they won't win on that point because the country is sick of Republican bullshit, so they once again attack the candidates by something they cannot help about themselves, nor should it have anything to do with politics.

You know, the only thing that I like about the Republicans is that they give me so much to write about...


08 February 2007

Hospital As Stark Scary Death Box? Hardly

Well kids I spent the whole day today in the hospital waiting for my mother to get out of her triple bypass surgery. She is doing just fine now. But as I was sitting there in the waiting room, I had time to think - especially when the battery wend down on my laptop.

First thing I noticed is that the waiting room was nothing and I mean NOTHING like it is on TV and in the movies (goddamnit, duped again). There were two couches squeezed into a corner of a long hallway, edged out of the way of the passing meds, patients and lumbering hospital beds whizzing by. There was no actual room, there were no tissue boxes on nice end tables, hell we didn't even have a fucking water cooler. Nothing. It was pretty disappointing that the waiting room is not even really a room.

Also, the peple in the hospital looked really SICK. I mean, I know nobody wears makeup and has great hair in the hospital, but some of the patients I saw were really messed up. Hair all every which way, live spots, wrinkles, sallow faces, tubes all over the place, blinking and beeping, asleep, eating slowly, staring into space, watching TV... Duped again!! I had never seen such a sorry bunch of people in my whole life.

I won't even get into what the food looked like that they were feeding these sick people.

But with all this around me, I did realise again that the hospital was different than portrayed in Hollywood. It wasn't scary. There were warm toned tiles on the floor, the couches were warm toned too. Plants were everywhere you looked in the halls and lounge. There was no weird smell that I had always heard people speak of. I didn't feel like death was looming around every corner. It didn't seem over sanitized. I was taken aback by that. And the staff was very nice and informative, not cold and trying to run somewhere else rather than talk to you.

Granted I don't watch any of the popular hospital shows - god, the first and last one I watched was St. Elsewhere. Remember that? The only Hollywood hospitals I ever got was in movies - and in the movies it's a lot more graphic and scary. I guess that was my only frame of reference before sitting in the hospital today. And I have to say that I can't really bitch about the hospital like I do everything else I do here.

Besides. I don't have the energy to do so anyway - sitting in the hospital "waiting room" all day can wear you out!!

06 February 2007

Tobacco Company Vs. The Drug Dealer

Now, we all know that tobacco is highly addictive, even more so than heroine. And it has been widely publicized that the tobacco companies have been adding MORE tobacco to their cigarettes, not less, even as they have paid out more and more money to smokers who have sued them. I even read in the New York Times that the tobacco industries stocks have gone up and continue to rise (perhaps, in my opinion because the state of our country is so FUCKED UP).

So why is it that the drug dealer on the corner is the one to go to jail for selling addictive drugs and the tobacco companies are not? Like I stated in my earlier post, it is partially because cigarettes cannot be made in your backyard, so these giant companies can make them and make a fortune on it. Cocaine, marijuana, heroine, meth, speed and ecstacy can all be manufactured relatively simply at home. An industry could not regulate it, thus not make billions on it so hey!! let's make them illegal because some fat bastard CAN'T make money on it. So there is the stark hypocracy of the all mighty dollar versus whether or not there really IS a "war on drugs", and the government is waging this war because they really, really care about you. (Insert snickering here.)

"War on drugs". Let's think about that for a second. What that is stating is that any drug that is illegal is being targeted by the law. And the legal drugs?

Alcohol - kills more people every day than probably all the other drugs, legal
Cigarettes - so fucking toxic, like Chris Rock says, it's killing people that don't even smoke!!
Sleeping Pills - addictive, psychologically dependent, legal
Antidepressants - they have convinced us all that we are depressed, so we need to not be depressed and buy this or that pill so we feel better - BULLSHIT
Caffeine - addictive, ruins your stomach, your nervous system, your heart, legal
Pain Killers - also highly addictive, psychologically dependent, legal
Asprin - the most abused drug in the whole country, we are told that it is safe, but it causes ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, even death, people overdose ALL THE TIME, legal

I don't see the difference between cocaine and anything listed above. Nor heroine, nor marijuana.

So where's the war? The war they are fighting is against individual people or small groups cutting into their exclusive "addiction money". And in fact, the war is not really a fight. How can a drug dealer fight the system? We have been taught that he is breaking the law - what law? He is not forcing the drugs on anyone else like the ad campaigns by the medical/pharmaceutical companies, cola companies, cigarette branding/advertising, the USDA. The drug dealer is not subliminally making our children buy his drugs. The drug dealer is not in every store, in every neighborhood, ONLINE on every billboard. The drug dealer doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is - trying to make money. Politics, medicine, religion and the law have all come together to mix into a nice hypocritical stew in which the little man is fucked. The only war that needs to be waged is the war on the lies....

02 February 2007

One Ply, No Love

Why can't we get two ply toilet roll at work? Why do I have to sit and fight with the roll dispenser, squatted over the toilet bowl, cursing under my breath at the toilet roll that will only turn like half a millimeter and break off part of a one ply square? I just realised today how much freakin' time that wastes - they'd rather save a couple of bucks than save time, but they keep telling us time is money. So in essence, the one ply toilet roll at work is COSTING money because my bare ass can't get wiped in time to get back to the desk and annoy people with my sales calls. Two ply could MAKE the company money!!

Not only that, but god DAMN the one ply and it's sandpaper-like wipe. All ladies know that we wad that paper up into a freakin' grapefruit in order to sufficiently wipe with some kind of cushion. Again, the one ply is costing the company money. God forbid you have to really try to wipe clean - it's like a microdermabrasion procedure on your...part of the body that doesn't need one, let's put it like that.

Are the one ply toilet paper companies trying to sand the wrinkles out of America's sphincters?

01 February 2007

I Did It Again....

I was so good for a while - I swear!! But now I have done it again. I drank too much last night. It was wine...again. I realise now that wine is so easy to drink. It's not like liquor in which when you sip it, it burns a bit and you feel it as you drink then at some point you can stop. With wine its different. It's like grape juice...with benefits. It goes down so easy and you just get happier and happier when you drink. And pair that with not having eaten last night and that is a recipe for me sitting here at my desk still drunk wishing to god that my head would crack open and blogging when I should be working. Damn. Oh great Bacchus, why have you bestowed such a wonderful but ridiculously wicked nectar upon mankind? Why did you let it get into my hands?.....