17 January 2007


I got my painkillers...and I am not happy. I feel somehow in the painkillers department, I have gotten totally shafted. I don't know what it is but I have an unusually high tolerance to painkillers - Novocaine, Codeine, Vicadin, Motrin, etc. with a specific tolerance to Novocaine. When I go to the dentist, he has to pump me full of the stuff - to the point where he is looking at me like I'm crazy, like this is unheard of that I have to get like 7 or 8 shots to numb me out. Even when I have gotten stitches the two times I have, both doctors were like, "Whoa!!" when I kept asking for more painkillers, more painkillers. And the really sad thing is that when I do get the sufficient dosage I need, it is not even enjoyable for me!! What are these stories I hear of people being addicted to the painkillers and take them recreationally? I HATE the way I feel on these painkillers and I don't even know why they call them painkillers because when I take them, I'm groggy and still in pain. Still in pain!! So what's the freakin' point? My codeine today has me feeling kind of like I'm floating in water and has killed my appetite. Actually, almost any drug I take kills my appetite. And then people are asking me how I can possibly function at work on codeine. How? THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING FOR ME. I want to be all loopy and dreamy and nod in and out like they do in the movies or on TV. I want THAT. Why can't I have that? This freaking codeine hasn't even tackled the sensitivity I'm feeling in my teeth. God!! What the hell? I'm getting gypped big time.......

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