07 December 2006

Is There A God For Money?

If so, I need to pray, burn offerings, find a willing sacrifice, start a holy war - SOMETHING in order to get my funds going. Pump 'em up. Bling out my wallet!! AHHHHHH!! I'm broke dammit, I'm BROKE!! And the holidays are coming up. So now we enter the time of year in which you get even more broke. I don't really have credit card debt so I can't say that I'm going deeper into debt - so that's something.... But not much. I mean, I have a job and no debt so why am I still broke? WHY? It's like there is a systematic conspiracy in society to keep the unrich UNRICH. Damn. I don't have to be rich but do I have to starve? WTF?!?! That just means that the money is disproportionately going to the greedy, godless, backstabbing, scheming, lying, hurtful, evil rich. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all rich people are evil, but a good portion of them are. The ones that are CEO's and high level executives. Yeah, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. They'd easily slit their own child's throat if they could make a dollar on it. Hell politicians, lobbyists, corporate lawyers and most plastic surgeons are not out of the realm of malevolent money whores. And I am not trying to hate on rich folks either. I just see how they have enough but want to take it ALL and that's not right. While people in India, Africa, South America and even here in the United States just have nothing!! And those of us that don't have much are also made to feel like we have to give to those less fortunate but what about the fat bastard in the nice suit with the gold watch driving a fancy car? What about him? A fancy watch could help a whole poor family here in the US!! And fat bastards usually have three or four gold watches!! Yeah, they just laugh at us all moving around the few dollars we have between us. And they hoard the bulk of it. God, the audacity of executives who steal pensions from employees - in essence what that says is that they think that everyone is supposed to work for them for free!! Like we were put on this earth to make them mega-rich and we are just pee-on's not worthy of even a decent life after working ourselves to death. The unmitigated GAUL of those fuckers. These are the things I think of this time of year.....

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