12 December 2006

A Call to Arms

"Something In the Air" lyrics by Thunderclap Newman

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Lock up the streets and houses
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Hand out the arms and ammo
We're going to blast our way through here
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together

I can't help but to have this song running through my head as an anthem for those that feel that we are rapidly devolving into a world bent on destroying itself. In the wake of the conference held in Iran which has "debated" if the Holocaust really happened, I find myself so utterly shocked, so utterly dejected, that the only thing I can think that can happen is for the good folks of this world, regardless of sex, age, religion or political affiliation who are so TIRED of this shit should rise up together and put an END to bullshit like this. An END. I can't even believe that someone lent them the space to hold this meeting, someone cooked food for these scathing racists to eat, made the drinks or printed the invitations. Just exactly what is this world coming to? Because I don't see any kind of humanity or camaraderie between anyone anymore. There is no justice, no freedom, no amity... things that people SAY they are fighting for, but it never seems to happen on any kind of viable scale. We are not moving toward the future, we are ending right back into something reminiscent of the Crusades. Except EVERYONE'S involved now. I mean, even the Vatican denounced this conference. Germany its self said this is bullshit - GERMANY!!! The very people who perpetrated said crime. I feel it's time for those of us who feel that the people who are running our countries are completely out of control need to take back our lives, take back our sanity - we need a global revolution against the real tyranny: political agenda.

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