10 January 2007

Drug Companies, Or As I Like To Call Them, Legal Drug Overlords

Shaman. What ever happened to him? How has this wonderful person been discredited to the point that we are willing to give our money, trust and personal health decisions to a faceless company that doesn't give a rats ass about whether we get well or not? But they are not discredited? How do we accept the fact that in order to try to soothe, prevent or cure one condition we must risk getting a whole host of side effects? And then we are given more drugs to help the side effects, which in turn is just making some fat bastard rich and the sick sicker. Whose original idea was it to privatize drug therapies? How did we turn away from the shaman? Far as I know, I don't think anyone had as hard a time with taking drugs to get well in the past as we do today. And I think the problem is that we are putting artificially manufactured products into our bodies.

Now, I had been taking a medicine for a while to help with my general mood (not anti-depressants) and stamina. I won't even get into how it's not covered by my health insurance for another few years (arrrghh!!) and how expensive it is. So I really can't afford it right now, being that I have other things I need to take care of in the meantime. But I had started taking a B-100 complex vitamin and realised that it seemed to have the same affect as the medication I was taking and could not afford. HA!! Never in a million years would the Overlords suggest that before you try a harsh drug therapy to take some vitamins. Vitamins?!?! Oh god no, you can get those anywhere!! I always try to be fair, so in all fairness, the expensive drug DID help me....but it's freakin' expensive. That's the point. And I don't think I've ever heard of someone having side effects from vitamins.

I don't feel that peoples best interests are at the heart of big business. The Overlords are even screwing doctors!! There is even the paradox of the "War on Drugs". Give me a break!! Why can't someone chill out and smoke a joint legally, but the Overlords can give you a pill for "restless legs"?!?! I swear to god the person who came up with that gem is laughing about how stupid people are to buy a drug for restless legs. Ohhh, you make it sound like a syndrome and then they can sell you a pill for it. Legally. What about anxiety? Marijuana will clear that right up (for the most part). Hyperactivity? Marijuana. Loss of appetite? Marijuana. Sleeplessness. Marijuana. I could list some things that I think other illegal drugs would help, but I don't want to seem like I'm promoting illegal drug use. Except Marijuana. But at one time cocaine and heroine were legal. And I just don't believe the bullshit that they are highly addictive and are harmful. So are sleeping pills, but they are legal. What's the difference you ask? Cocaine and heroine are easily accessible, some big business fat bastard can't hoard it for himself and get richer and richer. That's what drives the drug market - what can be grown or made in your backyard versus what can't and the one's that can't can be taxed and sold at whatever price some fat bastard chooses. Think about it kids. Think about it.

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